Legal Notices
Registered office: C.so Stati Uniti 41, 10129 Torino
Head office and factory: P.zza Amendola 2, 14100 Asti
Company register: 01070500010
Share capital: € 6.000.000 interamente versato
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Although the utmost care is paid to any information provided in this web site, F.lli Saclà S.p.A. cannot guarantee the usefulness, exactness, or completeness thereof, or the safety of the web site, including, without limitation, no guarantee that this web site is free of errors or defects, that every single function correctly works at any time, that F.lli Saclà S.p.A. (or its licensee) can solve the problems that may occur, or that the homepage or the server of this web site contain no viruses or dangerous contents.
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The content of the F.lli Saclà S.p.A. web site is provided for information only. F.lli Saclà S.p.A. will assume no responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracies or omissions that may occur in any of the information or advice provided.
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F.lli Saclà S.p.A. informs that the information, the images, the text, the video elements, the audio elements and the pictures (collectively called hereinafter “Material”) contained in the web site are protected by the copyright law and the viewing and downloading of the materials available in this web site (“Site”) are authorized for personal use only and not for commercial purposes, provided that the notes about the copyright and other property rights are kept attached to the copies of the original material. Any alteration in any way of the materials included in the Site, reproduction, public transmission, execution, distribution or any other use thereof for public or commercial purposes or for profit is forbidden. For the purposes herein, any use of the abovementioned materials in any other web site or web environment for any purpose whatsoever is forbidden. The materials available in the Site are covered by copyright and any unauthorized use may imply the infringement of copyright, trademark and other legal provisions. By accepting the conditions herein you undertake not to alter or remove any trademark or copyright. The basic elements forming F.lli Saclà S.p.A. web site cannot be even partially copied or imitated. No logo, graphic element, sound or image coming from F.lli Saclà S.p.A. web site can be copied and retransmitted unless expressly authorized to do so by F.lli Saclà S.p.A.
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F.lli Saclà S.p.A. will forbid the use (including, without limitation, any duplication, alteration, modification, transmission, translation, sale, advertising) of the content without a prior authorization to do so in writing by F.lli Saclà S.p.A., except if you want to view the content on the screen of your own computer and print whatever copy thereof, for private use only, not for profit or any other legal use.
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The information provided by F.lli Saclà S.p.A. in this web site may refer to F.lli Saclà S.p.A. products that cannot be advertised and distributed in your own country. In any case such references do not at all imply that F.lli Saclà S.p.A. intends to advertise and distribute such products in your country. Please call your local representative for any information concerning the products, programs and services available in your country.